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graphman.exe inputfilename /sa=prn /prn_is=ImageSize /prn_pp=PagePosition /prn_mu=MeasurementUnits /prn_mar=martop-marbottom-marleft-marright /prn_ip=imgwidth-imgheight /prn_ar=MaintainAspectRatio /prn_gc=GammaCorrection /prn_pn=PageNumber /printer="PrinterName"
ImageSize - PCX Compression
PagePosition - Specifies where on the page to place the image. There are nine possible places.
MeasurementUnits - Specifies the measurement unit for all related settings.
Margins - Specifies the Top, Bottom, Left and Right margins for the page. The marquee on the preview image designates each margin.
ImageProperties - Specifies width and height of an image. Valid only when /prn_is=3 (Specify Size)
MaintainAspectRatio - retains the same width and height ratio no matter what the size designation.
GammaCorrection - Gamma correction value, use 1 to disable gamma correction.The Gamma setting changes the light value of the images, higher values lighten the image, while lower values darken it.
PageNumber - Establishes page number for print in the multipage document. example: /prn_pn=4
PrinterName - It is used for a choice of the printer. For example: /printer="HP LaserJet 4p"
graphman.exe test.dxf /sa=prn /prn_is=3 /prn_pp=4 /prn_mu=1 /prn_mar=1-1-2-2 /prn_ip=10-15 /prn_ar=1 /prn_gc=2